Wrapping of this year's holiday questionnaire feature, here is Poppy from one of England's most exciting new bands, Poppy & The Jezebels.
Which holiday do you participate in, Christmas, Chanukah, other?
What are your plans for the holidays?
Dom is off travelling in India, the lucky devil! For the rest of us, it'll be the traditional Xmas at home, and all off to the pub on Christmas eve!
What was the best holiday present you ever received?
When I was about 3 I got an amazing plastic toy drum-kit with a huge cartoon hawk on the front of the bass drum. I didn't know I'd end up being a drummer in a band at the time, of course, but I do think that that particular gift helped me on my way!
The best Christmas song is:
WE come from the home of Christmas glam-rock hits! Slade and Wizard are both from The Midlands! We are so proud!
What is on top of your wishlist?
This year I've asked for lots of make-up from Illamasqua... white eyeliner, gold paint... The kind of stuff that'll be great for gigging in!
Share a fond holiday memory from your childhood:
Waking up at ridiculous o'clock in the morning to begin the grand opening of the presents!... Christmas on Sesame Street video... Using the same slightly bedraggled paper decorations on the tree that I made at school countless years ago...
The perfect holiday party consists of:
Mince pies, cashew nuts, a somewhat inappropriate party dress (look away, nan!), and gin. Lots of gin.
At midnight on 1 January 2010, I/we will be...
Looking forward to an insane year. We've got an album to record, a tour to complete, and a decade to smash!
Thanks, Poppy! x
Poppy & The Jezebels' myspace
Watch: Poppy & The Jezebels' video for "Rhuburb and Custard"
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