photo by John Spiers
Glasgow's She's Hit is one of the city's most exciting new bands. I recently asked them a few questions and here's what they had to say...How did She's Hit come about?
We were all obsessed with bands like The Jesus & Mary Chain, Cramps, Suicide and at the time we were really into The Birthday Party. We hadn't seen any bands around Glasgow that did music that we enjoyed listening to at the time, and really we felt like most live shows we were seeing were pretty boring. We were all close anyway though and always listened to music together so we just wanted to take it to the stage of making music together.
Where do your rehearse?
Carlton studios along the bonny banks of the River Clyde.
What was your best gig so far? why?
Paper Planes single launch-Grand Ole Opry was a strange cool venue, totally different to anywhere else we've played. It was just us and Paper Planes on the bill and since they're our favourite Glasgow band, it was nice to only play with them... And talking to James Allan drunk was pretty funny.
And the worst gig? why?
The worst and funniest gig was where we were on a classic rock bill with a Led Zeppelin cover band before us. The promoter had a sick sense of humour and thought it would be funny to put us on. So midway between set an old man staggers on stage and attacks the amps, shouting that its not music and he has to put a stop to it. Funny as fuck.
I love your song, "Black Transistor Nightmares", where does the title come from?
It came from Mik and Phil, they are both doing degrees in electronics.
When your band is just hanging out, what music are you probably listening to?
We usually like to listen to The Cramps, The Kills, The Jesus & Mary Chain and Crocodiles before we go out. They seem to exemplify the sleaze and fun of nights out. We listen to more downbeat stuff like The Raveonettes when we get back. Music thats just got some beauty to it, both lyrically and musically. I don't think we have much middle ground really, its those two extremes all the time.
What was the first album you ever bought?
Div: Kasabian Empire (aged 16)
Philip: Franz Ferdinands eponymous debut (aged 14)
Mik: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club's first album
Cammy: Some death metal shite, probably.
Any weird phobias and/or band superstitions?
Mik: Gibson Les Pauls, Flanger pedals
Div: I'm scared of my All Saints credit card.
Philip: Boot cut Jeans
Cammy: Books.
What's your band's fashion sense/style? Any favourite clothing shops?
We all just wear black drainpipes and All Saints t-shirts most of the time.
Finding a good vintage leather jacket is nice, but none of us have the time to devote all our shopping in charity shops. We don't really think about it too much, we just wear what we want. You always get people thinking you're this planned out pretentious bunch, but that's usually from badly dressed wankers.
Describe your fanbase in 3 words:
Friends and family
If you could be any other person for a day, who would you be?
Poison Ivy
What's better - downloading, still buying CDs, or collecting vinyl?
Vinyl is a bit of a cliche, but its the best way
Best band you've seen live?
Philip: The Kills, Oran Mor
Div: Nick Cave at T in the Park
Mik: The Kills, Oran Mor
Cammy: Jack Penate at T in the Park, probably.
And what are your plans for the rest of the year?
We've got a gig with The Drones in Sleazys and one with Paper Planes in the Captain's Rest. We had a live set filmed professionally, so that will be up on the myspace soon we hope. We should be in Artrocker's New Blood early next year as well. Apart from that, a single next year probably and more good support slots like the one at Sleazys.
Thanks guys! x
She's Hit's myspace
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