It's that time of year again...the first up for this year's Christmas questionarie is Nora from the up-and-coming Portland psych band, Hawkeye.
Which holiday do you participate in, Christmas, Chanukah, other?
Well, despite my mixed heritage of Irish Catholic and Russian Jew, my family celebrated Christmas, probably because there were more specials for it on TV. It was and continues to be an excuse to get shit.
What are your plans for the holidays?
Well, there are a few good holiday parties and shows coming up here in Portland. Hawkeye is playing the Fuzzy Ball at the Wonder ballroom with a bunch of amazing bands (Pete International Airport, Go Fever, The Upsidedown, Happy Prescriptions, The Prids, Rick Bain and the Genius Position) Dec 17th. Come December 20th I celebrate my 21st birthday, which is a little known fact. Another show at Langano Lounge on December 23rd and a very special show on December 28th at Bunk Bar with good friends, Go Fever, to welcome our dear friend, Mara Deslauriers, who will be moving from Minneapolis. That's when the real holiday fun begins and we reignite our musical collaboration.
What was the best holiday present you ever received?
Well, as I said my birthday is right around Christmas so I often got one big gift to cover the two. I never minded, especially when I got my Gibson Les Paul Gothic.
The best Christmas song is:
Oh I don't know. One of the Raveonettes ones. I really like modern day Christmas music. The old stuff is good too. "I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus" might be in play as a cover in a future Hawkeye set.
What is on top of your wishlist?
Health insurance and a job with tips, if the two are reconcilable.
Share a fond holiday memory from your childhood:
I'd rather not.
The perfect holiday party consists of:
People you know and care about, good music, and alcohol in that order. Weed is a given.
At midnight on 1 January 2011, I will be...
Probably playing a show at our bar, Langano Lounge.
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