Here is my recent interview with Jonathan D. Shadel, the creative mastermind behind The Velcro Leaves.....make sure to check out the free download of their album Origami, below!
How did The Velcro Leaves come about?
We started without a name when I was 8 or 9 years old. My brother [Andrew Shadel] had started playing piano and I was already doing concerts on the violin and was receiving good note from the New York Times, so I said, "Kid, we're starting a rock and roll band." We've been pissing off our parents ever since. So that might be a little stretch. But in all honesty, me and Andrew have been playing music together for as long as I can remember. It was either music or fight, and we're pacifists, so we chose the artsy thing. We played in a couple of garage bands--actually a band in a pastor kid's church basement... pop punk, good times. Then I think about two years ago, we started as a duo, then just under a year ago we heard Jane playing flute and bass and said, "Come, follow us." And she left all she had and followed.
Where did you get your band name?
This is kind of a funny story. My extended family are basically a bunch of land-locked sailors. They curse and smoke and chew tobacco, you know sinner stuff, right [laughing]! But I always watched them spit tobacco in their soda bottles and got grossed out, but always wondered what it tasted like. So my mom had these huge, sticky, leafy plants in our flower bed that the dog would chew on. I thought, for some reason, that it was tobacco. So I stuffed my kid-mouth full of the stuff and just about puked. Haven't touched chew, and I always had this love-hate thing with that memory of those darn velcro leaves. When it came time for a new band name, well--it stuck (pun intended).
What's the best thing about your hometown?
Not much, really. It is close to DC, Pittsburgh, and Baltimore... otherwise it lacks much of an audience for the music we make. However, there are some very, very talented musicians working in this area that I am proud to associate with. That's the good thing.
Where do your rehearse?
That's a good question! Actually, it is always changing. For awhile it was church basements, then my basement. Lately, Jane and some friends have a condo by a lake, we've been jamming their lately.
What was your best gig so far? why?
The best gig is the one we didn't get to play, sadly. In September, we were booked by Six Flags America in Washington DC, but some personal issues made the gig fall through. Would have been a pretty big deal for us. Otherwise, there is this local festival--a real hippie, happy sort of thing called Common Ground on Martin's Mountain. I love playing it--look forward to it every year because of the beautiful people and its gorgeous location... it sets on the very top of a mountain. You can see for a long ways, and you feel like a part of something bigger. It's really great.
And the worst gig? why?
By far, the worst show we ever played was at The Wind-Up Artspace in Baltimore. It was supposed to be this big thing for us, but Jane had a few things come up and we had to decide between playing without her or skipping the show. We hate skipping shows, so Andrew and I played. But without her, we just played a really off gig. Believe me, it is hard reworking material when everyone in the band works really closely together on stage. It wasn't fun!
When you guys hang out, what music are you probably listening to?
That's a tough question because we listen to anything and everything. Each one of us would have a different answer! For new music this year, Panda Bear's two singles he's released this year have been a big hit on my iPod. Also, I am in love with the new Broken Bells and Beach House records. But I love vinyl, so I've been listening to a lot of Cat Stevens, Bob Dylan, Donavan, George Harrison, and Beach Boys records with a iced chai tea, yes.
What was the first album you ever bought?
You know, I can't remember. I grew up in a house that listened to a lot of music. Gospel, celtic, folk, and soft rock. But the moment when I realized I wanted to make my own music was in the laundry room at 7 or 8 years old. I was listening to the oldies station--it was either The Byrd's "Turn! Turn! Turn!" or the Beach Boy's 'Surfer Girl!" I was sold on music.
Any weird phobias and/or band superstitions?
As a band, we're convinced that Jane is David Bowie's long lost daughter. Look at her cute, skinny cheek bones. Match.
What's your band's fashion sense/style? Any favourite clothing shops?
We like weird, colorful, exciting things. Lately, we have been wearing matching pith helmets on stage. But we are super-huge into thrift stores for trends of tomorrow. I also have this thing with Urban Outfitters. Yea, hipster. But look at this sweater. How could anyone say no?
Describe your fanbase in 3 words:
Weird assed rejects.
What's better - downloading, still buying CDs, or collecting vinyl?
We do all three. I think everyone prefers CDs--they're still physical and we like getting physical. I have this love thing with vinyl. I am not a huge collector. I have maybe 60 LPs and some singles that are my "go-to"s on rainy days. But digital is the future. That's why our latest record is digital and has yet to hit CD.
Best band you've seen live?
For me, it is a tie between mewithoutYou and Panda Bear. Both do an incredible live show.
Is there anything (previously unknown) about your band that you'd like to share with the world?
Jane is a man, happily engaged. Andrew and I are lesbian and single.
And what are your plans for the rest of the year?
We've been incredibly busy and have been having trouble matching up our individual schedules. However, since our record just came out online and hasn't even seen the physical world yet, our hopes are to get "Origami" to as many people as possible. I put a couple hundred hours in producing it and I am proud of it. I want it heard!! But I am back at the writing block and have some more twists up my sleeves. For TVL, things are going to take some exciting turns. Maybe hip-hop. Am I joking? Wait and see.
Download their album Origami for free at their Official site. "Colours, Technically" is my personal favourite, but the entire album is very creative, elusive and fantastic....listen for yourself. x
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